Hello Cherokee families!
Last week I received some calls from upset neighbors regarding families blocking their driveways and streets for drop off and pick up. Please be aware of where you are picking up and dropping off your students. Many of our neighbors are attempting to leave for work, get home, etc. and are unable due to families stopping in the middle of the streets to pick up and/or drop off.
Thank you for ensuring the safety of everyone, but most importantly our students.
A reminder of No costumes and please leave excess candy at home from the Halloween activities. Thank you.
Have a great week!
See below for a few reminders and new announcements. Also, be sure to check our Cherokee Webpage. You will find updated Daily Announcements located near the top of the page.
You can receive this information through a few venues - 1) email if you have provided us an email address, 2) Remind text alerts if you signed up for them (send the message @principalp to 81010 to sign up), 3) Twitter (@CherokeeSPS or @DrPowersCMS), or via the Blog http://drpowersspot.blogspot.com/
- Carline - IMPORTANT reminders:
- Do NOT pick up OR drop off your student on Plainview Avenue. This is very dangerous. If you use a side street please don’t block anyone’s driveway or mailbox.
- Remind your student to USE THE CROSSWALK when dropping them off. They should NOT cross Plainview otherwise. The same goes for our parking lot - USE the Crosswalk.
- Please pull as far forward as possible before dropping off and picking up students. Carline drop off begins at sign #1. We have two exits to Plainview and both have east and west turns available. Thank you for using both exits.
- Please be aware of students walking and riding bikes. Students should use the crosswalk and sidewalk at all times.
- Do not use the west/athletic parking area for drop off or pick up during school hours as this is where our busses pick up and drop off. Use it for exiting only. Thank you.
- IF you need additional time with your student(s) please pull into a parking spot so everyone else can get in and out in a timely fashion.
- Bell Schedules for all year - We use a variety of bell schedules throughout the school year to accommodate music and sports assemblies, character ed, Tribe Time, and other occasions. This LINK will take you to a folder with all of the schedules and the dates we will use them. Please pay special attention as class and lunch times vary for each schedule.
Tribe Time is held every Tuesday and Thursday. See the link above for all
schedules and dates.
See link above for all schedules.
- Sports Schedules - These are all posted on our website http://cherokee.spsk12.org/pages/Cherokee_Middle_School
These games begin at 5:30 p.m. All students MUST have a ride to pick them up NO LATER than 15 minutes after the game ends or they will NOT be allowed to attend the next game. Most basketball games and wrestling matches will be over by 7:30 p.m. Mr. Schreiner and Dr. Powers will also inform students attending without a parent if they need rides earlier. Thank you for picking up your children in a timely manner.
IF a student attends games without a parent they must remain in the stands during the game. They may go to the restroom and concession stand between games and during halftime only.
- JOIN PTSA - Please consider joining. We have two options - individual/family memberships or Business memberships. Thank you for your support of our staff and students!
You can also sign up for Remind Text messages from PTSA by sending a text to 81010 with the message @mrehk
- IGNITE - This LINK provides information to help guide you through the process, provide info on optional insurance and how to connect to Canvas.
- PTSA meeting - Our next meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 21st at 7:30 a.m. in the library. Come join us and learn more about Cherokee and what’s going on with PTSA.
If you want to hear from Dr. Powers and our counselors this is a great opportunity for that 1 on 1 visit.
- Staff Recognition - We have an amazing team here at Cherokee. Thank you to families who have taken time to recognize our team this year! You have no idea how much this means to our teachers and staff. You can complete an Employee Recognition Form here to show them your appreciation. No recognition is too small. Thank you for taking the time to recognize and celebrate our staff!
11) Flu Shot clinic - All students should have received a form by now.
Cherokee will be providing flu shots/mist on Nov. 15th.
If you have questions please call Nurse VanSomeren at 523-7200.
12) Book Fair - The Book Fair is here! Online shopping available until Tuesday, October 31. Link to online book fair: http://www.scholastic.com/bf/cherokeemiddleschool2
All proceeds go back to our library to purchase books for our students. Thank you!
13) Reflections - The theme is “Within Reach” and entries must be turned in by Monday, Oct. 30th to the 7th grade conference room.
Categories include: Dance, Music, Art, Photography, and Writing.
14) 2018 - 2019 Transitional Transfers - A transitional transfer request is for students going from fifth-grade to sixth-grade or eighth-grade to ninth-grade who wish to attend a site other than the one in their home residence feeder pattern. This type of transfer is part of an open enrollment process.
Families are responsible for TRANSPORTATION to and from the school if accepted on transfer.
Families may request a Transitional transfer from Wednesday, Nov. 1 at 7:30 a.m. until Friday, December, 1 at 4:30 p.m.
IF a family applies for and is granted a Transitional Transfer to more than one school the family MUST decide on one school by Monday, Dec. 18th at 4 p.m.
15) Veteran’s Day - Each year Cherokee has an Honor Wall to place pictures of our family members, past and present, serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Students may bring in photos of family members also. Please include their name, branch, and any other information in your description. Make sure to include the student name on the back of the photos so we can return them to you after we take the wall down.
Questions? Reach out to your students social studies teacher.
Also, we will be holding our annual Veteran’s Day assembly on Friday, Nov. 10th at 8 a.m. We would like to invite any Veterans who would like to attend as our guests. Let us know if you have any questions.
16) No School Nov. 6 & 7 - SPARC will be hosting School’s Out services at Cherokee on Nov. 6th & 7th. Spots are limited. See HERE for info on how to register.
17) Smoke Signal - The student newspaper is online and the latest edition is now available HERE. Check out the great work by our student journalists!
18) Donate to one of our teachers - At the beginning of the year all of my classes asked about obtaining flexible seating for my classroom, and now I am happy to say that our dream is almost a reality! Last week Staples awarded my classroom a $500 grant to go towards our Donors Choose project so that we can have laptop stands to use as flexible seating. This puts us only $1,000 away from having our Donors Choose project fully funded. For more details and to see exactly what is being requested, you can click here to view the Donors Choose project.
It gets better- If you use the code LIFTOFF at checkout, any donations up to $50 will be doubled!
Thank you so much for your support! These laptop stands will benefit not only my current classes, but also those for many years to come. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at jmadura@spsmail.org.
19) Want to Volunteer - Would you like to volunteer at Cherokee or another SPS school? Click HERE to complete the appropriate forms. Questions? Contact Mrs. Tiffany Smith at Cherokee 523-7200. Thanks!
20) Kickapoo U - 8th grade families do you want to learn more about Kickapoo U? What is it? Why should my student(s) be a part of Kickapoo U? All these questions and more will be answered on Wednesday, Nov. 29th at 5 p.m. in the Cherokee cafeteria. Check out the Kickapoo U website for more info in the meantime.
21) Pride of the Tribe - 8th graders will be traveling to Kickapoo High School on Tuesday, Nov. 21st to learn more about all the clubs and activities available to them for next year. This trip is free, but requires a signed Permission slip. These will be coming home soon.
Prior to going to KHS for Pride of the Tribe students will learn more about Kickapoo U.
Please remember I can be reached at wtpowers@spsmail.org, @DrPowersCMS or @CherokeeSPS, or 523-7210 any time you have questions or concerns.
Have a great week and as always #GoIndians
Dr. Bill Powers
Cherokee Principal
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