Sunday, May 12, 2019

Kickapoo announcements May 13 - 17, 2019

Kickapoo Families,

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

Thank you for your continued support! We appreciate each of you and your partnership
as we all strive to provide all of our students the best academic and extra-curricular
opportunities possible.

The Class of 2019 is officially out of here. Friday night's graduation was fantastic!
We wish all of our Chiefs the best of luck as we know they will make us proud.
Once a Chief, Always a Chief!

A reminder the final day of school for everyone else is Tuesday, May 21st and we
will dismiss at 12:50 p.m.
Thank you for helping us keep our students on track and focused until the end.

We are #OneTribe

Thank you and have a great week.

Final exam schedule
9th - 11th graders will take finals as follows:
Monday, May 20th will be 1st and 3rd block.
Tuesday, May 21st will be 2nd and 4th block.
Early finals are only permitted with Mr. Harvey's approval.
Students may not leave finals early.
Register for Explore! (aka summer school)
Having trouble fitting a class in your schedule during the school year?
Wanting to get ahead?
Need to retake a class?
Register for Explore now!
SPS offers a variety of online and seated classes. Here is a link to the guide listing all courses.

Registration for high school students is open now at

Juniors (Class of 2020)
  • All must have received one dose of the Meningococcal vaccine after their 16th birthday in order to start school in the fall. Please bring documentation of your vaccine to the nurse by May 21st to ensure a smooth start to 2019-2020!
  • Questions? Please contact Kickapoo nurses.

Stay Connected to Kickapoo!
As a reminder the information shared below is NOT all inclusive to what is happening
at Kickapoo High School. To find more information about KHS and what's happening
you will find it HERE or at

The best way to stay in the know is to check the calendar and daily announcements
as they are updated each day and can be found in the left column. I would recommend
bookmarking our web page and checking it daily to stay informed of the KHS

I would also encourage you to connect with us via social media as we share what’s going on
at KHS. Check us out on
Instagram @KickapooHighSchool
Twitter @KickapooChiefs
Facebook - Kickapoo High School
Website -

NEW join Remind. For those of you with me at Cherokee in the past you may recall
this tool allows you to receive text messages via your phone. Sign up below:
To sign up for Kickapoo Families notifications, please visit
We are in need of a PTA president. If you are interested please contact me as soon
as possible to learn more. By the way, it is NOT as involved as elementary and
middle school. . . . I promise. Thanks.

Student Grades
You can access student grades via eSchool Home Access and it can be found HERE.
Need your password? Contact the office at 523-8500.

D & F Phone Calls
Will continue Tuesday evening. Please remember these grades are current as of 6 a.m.
on Tuesday morning. The phone call goes out around 4 p.m. on Tuesday evening so it
is possible grades have changed. Please check eSchool and contact teachers if
you have any questions.
Thank you.

Drop off and Pick up
Families - Please do NOT drop off your students on the streets. Even if it is near
the crosswalk this is dangerous for your child and those driving around you. We don’t want
anyone begin injured. Please do your part and go through the carline.

Thank you to those of you who are safely dropping off and picking up your students. We are
thankful for you watching out for ALL students.
Our number one priority is the safety of our students/your child(ren)!

Also, please DO NOT park in local business parking lots. Thank you.
We allow students in the building beginning at 7:20 each morning and classes start at 7:50
Monday - Thursday and at 8:20 on Friday’s.
Thank you for making KHS as safe as possible for ALL students.

Ignite Info - All students received their Chromebooks on the first day of school or when they
enrolled if after the first day. This information provides insurance details.

Scholarship Bulletin
Did you know we have a Scholarship Bulletin?
Check out the April bulletin for a list of college scholarships you can apply for
at this time.
You can find even more great information from our Counselor’s Corner HERE.

Recognize a Kickapoo Staff Member
We love to celebrate the great work of our teachers, counselors, secretaries, custodians,
nutrition services, para professionals, etc.
Please take a few minutes to complete this form to help us celebrate the great work they do.

2019 - 2020 Springfield Public Schools Calendar has been approved.
The first day of school for 2019 will be Tuesday, Aug. 13th.
Here is the FULL CALENDAR.

MSHSAA Athletic Dead Week!!

Please remember we are here for you and your student. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at
any time.

Have a great week and #GoChiefs #OneTribe

Dr. Bill Powers
Kickapoo High School

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