Sunday, September 29, 2019

Kickapoo announcements Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2019

Kickapoo Families,
October is here and that means the end of first quarter is upon us!
The end of 1st quarter is Thursday, Oct. 10th and students are NOT in school on Friday,
Oct. 11th as teachers have professional learning.

Progress Reports
Were posted on Friday, Sept. 27th. Go to eSchool Home Access here. Then, click on
the GRADES tab, then IPR.
A reminder the quarter ends on Thursday, Oct. 10th.

Grades & D/F phone calls
Please remember that any grades in CANVAS are not accurate. Grades in eSchool are
the official grades for students.
I will continue sending phone messages on a weekly basis to the homes of students
who have a D or F in any of their classes. If you haven't started checking eSchool grades
please do so.
IF you receive the phone call please check eSchool to see what class(es) your student
has the D/F. We also recommend you contact the teacher with questions, concerns, or
you feel an error has been made.

For clarification, the report I use to determine who receives these calls runs at 6:30 a.m.

the day you receive the call. It is possible teachers update grades during the course of the
day. Again, please check eSchool on a regular basis and direct questions to the teacher(s).

Does your student need a ride to school OR is your
student looking to help students
in need of a ride? Chief Carpooling! 
If your student needs a ride to and/or from school on certain days and times or every day, sign up to be a rider and you will be matched with a student who can help!
If your student is looking to help their peers and earn volunteer hours, sign up to be a driver and help! You can sign up for certain days and times or every day.

FIRST IMPACT - Learn more about how to keep your driver safe.
Director, Deana Tucker Dothage
(573) 884-3463 RSVP
YOU ARE INVITED!! October 30, 2019
Missouri teens are dying in traffic crashes…but they don’t have to.
First Impact can help!!
First Impact is a traffic safety program that educates parents about Missouri’s Graduated Driver License (GDL) law.
The goal of First Impact is to reduce the number of motor vehicle fatalities, injuries and crashes among teen drivers by increasing parental awareness and enforcement of Missouri’s Graduated Driver License (GDL) law. First Impact will help parents understand teen driving risks, enforcement & monitoring of GDL law, and serving as a positive role model.
First Impact parent presentations – 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Register at:
Speaker: Mike Gooch, CoxHealth
LOCATION: University of Missouri School of Medicine Springfield Clinical Campus
1845 South National Avenue, Springfield, MO 65804
Learn how to keep your teen safe while driving.

Supported by federal funds from MoDOT Highway Safety & Traffic Division

Arrival & Dismissal
As a reminder students can arrive/be dropped off as early at 7 a.m. and
classes begin at 7:50 a.m. Monday - Thursday and 8:20 a.m. on Friday's.
We dismiss at 2:50 everyday and students not under the direct supervision of a coach or
teacher must be picked up by 3:30 p.m. each day.

College & Career Fair
Will be held at University Plaza on Tuesday, Oct. 8th from 5 - 7 p.m. Representatives
from more than 100 colleges & universities, trade & technical schools, the military &
financial aid organizations will be present to assist students & families with the important
decision of selecting a post-secondary educational opportunity. Students will also be eligible
to win great prizes.

FAFSA Frenzy @ Kickapoo

What's the FAFSA? It is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid used to apply for
financial aid for college.
Need help getting started or filling out the FAFSA? Have questions about FAFSA?
We will have local experts on hand at Kickapoo on Tuesday, Oct. 15th from 5 - 7 p.m.
to help.

Scholarship Bulletin

The September Scholarship Bulletin can be found HERE. You can find this and
much more on the Counselor's Corner Website.

Student Flu Clinic at Kickapoo on Monday, Oct. 7th at 8 a.m.
Springfield Public Schools, in cooperation with Jordan Valley Community Health Center, and with support from CoxHealth, Mercy and the Springfield-Greene County Health Department, is offering seasonal flu vaccine to any student free of charge, as supply allows.
The Inactivated Influenza (flu shot) Vaccine will be administered. 

For your convenience, a fillable version of the required consent form is available to complete, print, sign, and return to your child's school nurse. Paper copies of the required consent form are available at the school site. Please return these forms by Friday, Oct. 4th so we can appropriately plan.
Parents should contact their child’s school nurse if they have additional questions. 

PSAT All sophomore and juniors - don’t forget to register in the Counseling Office for the PSAT that will take place on Oct. 16th from 7:30-11:30+ in the Upstairs gym. The cost is $18. Make checks payable to KHS.  The PSAT is the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying test for Juniors. It is also one of the qualifying tests for the Missouri Scholar Academy open to Sophomores. It is also the practice SAT (College Entrance exam) test. Registration is first come, first served…we only have 110 tests available.
Stay Connected to Kickapoo!
As a reminder the information shared below is NOT all inclusive to what is happening
at Kickapoo High School. To find more information about KHS and what's happening
you will find it HERE or at

The best way to stay in the know is to check the calendar and daily announcements
as they are updated each day and can be found in the left column. I would recommend
bookmarking our web page and checking it daily to stay informed of the KHS

I would also encourage you to connect with us via social media as we share what’s going on
at KHS. Check us out on
Instagram @KickapooHighSchool
Twitter @KickapooChiefs
Facebook - Kickapoo High School
Website -

Kickapoo Fall Carnival - 18th annual Fall Ozark Food Harvest Carnival will be held in the KHS gym on Saturday, Oct. 26th from 6 - 8 p.m. Entrance to the carnival is a minimum 2 can donation per person.

Chiefs Ceremonial – “Up in the Clouds” – Friday, October 4th:
  • Chiefs Ceremonial Assembly – KHS Gymnasium, Thursday, October 3rd.
  • Chiefs Ceremonial Game – KHS vs. Glendale, kick-off at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 3rd.
  • Chiefs Ceremonial Dance - Friday, October 4th, 8:00-10:30 p.m.
  • Tickets are $10 each and shirts $5 each. Tickets will be sold during 3rd block lunch times today – Wednesday. 

  • Tickets will be sold on Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th for $15. Buy your tickets early to save some money! No sales will be made after 1:15 on Friday, October 4th. Plan ahead and buy your ticket early.
  • Dance Guest forms are available in the Main Office and must be returned signed to Mrs. Hunsaker prior to purchasing your tickets.
  • All fines and fees need to be paid before purchasing tickets. See the Financial Office.
  • You MUST be in attendance all day Friday, October 4th in order to attend the dance that night. If you have an appointment scheduled that day, it needs to be rescheduled. If it cannot be rescheduled, then your parent must contact Mrs. Hunsaker to obtain prior approval for your absence by Thursday, October 3rd.

Homecoming Spirit Week:
Team Up Monday – wear your favorite sports jersey/tee
Match Up Tuesday – twin day
Surfs Up Wednesday – touristy
Gear Up Thursday -  camo
Wake Up Friday – pj day/homecoming tee day

KHS HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) Diaper Drive
Bring a pack of diapers to the football game Thursday night and get a coupon for free crazy bread and a chance to win a free pizza. 
All diaper donations go to Convoy of Hope to help babies and infants in need. Thank you!
Reminder - Primrose and Jefferson Construction will delay drop off & pickup at KHS
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Dear Kickapoo parents:
We are looking forward to welcoming our 2,000 students back to Kickapoo High School Aug. 13. In preparation for the first day of school, we want to make you aware that road improvements currently in progress may require you to modify your typical route to Kickapoo.
 The City of Springfield is widening Primrose Street to five lanes between South Avenue and Kimbrough Avenue, which will include the addition of bike lanes, sidewalks, storm sewer, curb and gutter, gas and water renewals, traffic signal upgrades at the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Primrose Street, and a sewer extension.
 Once complete, this will improve traffic flow around our school. In the meantime, students, staff, parents and other visitors will need to adapt as road closures and other traffic modifications are required.
 Please be aware of the following changes:
  1. Primrose will be reduced to two lanes of traffic and there will be no left turn lane for the duration of the project, which is estimated to be completed by the end of October. As a result, we suggest you avoid left turns from Primrose into the KHS campus.
  2. Walkers and bike riders should also be aware that there are currently no sidewalks on Primrose.
To accommodate the anticipated traffic congestion, we encourage you to plan ahead, allow extra time and exercise caution and patience as you are traveling in these areas.

We appreciate your cooperation in adapting to this temporary situation so that we can ensure the safety of our students, staff and others who visit our school.

Thank you!

HallPass Visitor Management System
With our Ceremonial assembly coming up on Thursday, Oct. 3rd we highly recommend you come in prior to the day of the assembly to pre-register if you haven't done so already.

IF you are attending any of our assemblies during the school day please plan ahead and pre-register with us through HallPass prior to the day of the assembly. This will alleviate long lines and potential frustration the day of the assembly.
Once you have registered with HallPass at KHS the process is quick each time you visit.

Springfield Public Schools is pleased to announce that we will begin using a visitor management system
known as Hall Pass. The system will support our ongoing efforts to provide a safe environment
for our students and staff by helping us better track all visitors in our schools, including parents, friends,
volunteers and other guests.

To help prepare for this new process, we are providing the following overview of how the system works.
  • Upon entering the school, visitors will be asked to present a valid state-issued ID, which will be scanned into the system. 
  • Upon reading the information, Hall Pass will compare visitor identification data against an integrated, comprehensive database of registries for every state and the District of Columbia. This scanning process is quick, easy and has the ability to provide alerts on people who could jeopardize the safety of our school. 
  • Once the ID has been scanned and entry into our school is approved, the system will create a unique badge that identifies the visitor and date of the visit. Visitors will be required to wear this badge throughout their visit. 
  • Upon leaving the school, the badge is returned to the office for sign out. During that individual’s next visit to any SPS school, a new badge is easily produced through Hall Pass without the need to rescan the ID. 

Please note that through this process, no other data from the ID is gathered or recorded, nor is the information shared with any outside agency. If you are interested in learning more about the visitor management system, please visit the Hall Pass website:

The safety of our students is our highest priority and the Hall Pass visitor management system provides a consistent way to help ensure that those who are granted access to our schools do not present a danger to our students and staff. This approach to visitor management complements the work to provide the 31 additional secure entrances approved by voters in April as part of Proposition S. In support of this integrated effort, all visitors to the school must be scanned into the system and obtain a visitor badge. 

Thank you for your understanding and support of enhancing safety protocols in our school. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new process, please let me know.

2019 - 2020 Springfield Public Schools Calendar .
Here is the FULL CALENDAR.

Please remember we are here for you and your student. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at
any time.

Have a great week and #GoChiefs #OneTribe #WeTribeTogether

Dr. Bill Powers
Kickapoo High School

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