Saturday, March 7, 2020

Kickapoo announcements for March 9 - 13, 2020

Kickapoo Families,

Spring Forward! Don't forget to set your clocks one hour ahead Saturday evening or Sunday morning.
A reminder we only have 4 school days left before Spring Break. The last day for students is Thursday, March 12th. Spring Break is Friday, March 13th - Sunday, March 22nd.
Let's finish 3rd quarter strong by being here all day, every day.
Make it a great week!

Stay Connected to Kickapoo!
As a reminder the information shared here is NOT all inclusive to what is happening
at Kickapoo High School. To find more information about KHS and what's happening
you will find it HERE or at

The best way to stay in the know is to check the calendar and daily announcements
as they are updated each day and can be found in the left column. I would recommend
bookmarking our web page and checking it daily to stay informed of the KHS
Additional announcements and much more can be found on our web page.

I would also encourage you to connect with us via social media as we share what’s going on
at KHS. Check us out on
Instagram @KickapooHighSchool
Twitter @KickapooChiefs
Facebook - Kickapoo High School
Website -

Project Graduation!
Help us provide the Class of 2020 the memories they deserve at Project Graduation.
You can learn more and DONATE here
Thank you!

Every Springfield Public Schools student is required to take either the ACT or the ASVAB before graduation (or a student may take both). Please click here for more information and to sign up. Deadline is March 13th. Since this is a graduation requirement if you do not wish to take either, you must provide Dr. Coffey with the reason why you are not taking advantage of this free opportunity. (For example you have already got the score you want on the ACT). You can email him directly at

National Honor Society Invitations
Invitations to apply for NHS were mailed out Thursday, Feb. 20 to all current 10th, 11th and 12th graders with a 4.0 GPA or better who are not already a member of NHS.  If you do not receive a letter in the mail and believe you should, please email Mrs. Fink at jsfink@spsmail.orgAll applications are due Thursday, 3/12/2020 by 3:30 pm to the main office.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

2020 - 2021 Chief Mentors Wanted - Current 10th & 11 Graders only
Chief Mentors are instrumental in helping with IPLT, incoming Freshmen, school events, scheduling, etc.  In addition to meeting certain grade, attendance and behavior criteria, we are looking for the following characteristics in a Chief Mentor:
  • Leader
  • Listener
  • Team Player
  • Helpful
  • Determined
  • Go-getter
  • Friendly
  • Assertive
  • Open-Minded
  • Flexible
  • Etc.
ALL Chief Mentor hopefuls MUST attend one of the following meetings to hear about the Chief Mentor expectations and to pick up an application packet:
  • Tuesday, March 10th @ 3:00 pm in the Library
  • Wednesday, March 11th @ 7:20 am in the Library
The meeting information will also be in the announcements, chief chatter and social media over the next week.  We will NOT be giving application packets to students who do not attend one of the meetings
If any students have questions, please send them my way! 
Thank you for your help,
Kim Harris & Jennifer Highfill

Attention ALL Juniors
Junior Parents, all incoming seniors must have received one dose of the Meningococcal vaccine after their 16th birthday in order to start school in the fall. Please bring documentation of this vaccine to the nurse by May 1 to ensure a smooth start to 2020-2021.
Kimberly Speake, BSN, RN, NCSN
Kickapoo High School Nurse
Phone (417) 523-8530
Fax (417) 523-8595

Healthy Kids Are Happy Kids - From SPS
News about coronavirus has understandably prompted questions about how it may impact Springfield Public Schools. We are fortunate that there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Springfield or Missouri at this time.

We are taking a number of proactive measures as a precaution, including reviewing our response plans and communicating regularly with the Springfield-Greene County Health Department, which will advise us if any changes in practice are recommended.

We remain vigilant, as we do every flu season, in educating students and families about practicing healthy habits and ways they can help prevent the spread of flu and the common cold. These same practices would also help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

As a resource for employees, families and the community, we have created a web page that provides the most current information available, along with links to the Centers for Disease Control and the Springfield-Greene County Health Department

SPS will continue to work with the Springfield-Greene County Health Department and other appropriate agencies as they monitor and manage the current situation regarding both the seasonal flu and coronavirus.

Our focus throughout this process will be to protect the health and well-being of our students and employees. We appreciate your support as we work together to respond as this situation continues to develop.

Thank you.

2020 - 2021 Kickapoo PTA Officers
If you are interested in serving as an officer next year please contact our current president Anne Burdick at
Thank you!

Kickapoo Is A Polling Site
Reminder we are now a polling place for all elections.
Visitor Parking near the Performing Arts Center is for voters ONLY on Tuesday, March 10th. Thank you.

LeadSGF Academy Applications Open
The applications for the 2020-2021 Academy Class program have officially launched and we are in the process of recruiting current high school sophomores to apply to be in this program during their junior year.

The Leadership Springfield Academy Class is a community leadership program established in 1990 to help youth in their junior year discover how to be more engaged citizens and develop as community leaders. During this nine month program in the 2020-2021 school year, a class of 32 students will explore their strengths, learn about the local community, and coordinate monthly program days where they get to see firsthand how leaders work together to structure and influence the community around them. Students will gain project management skills, leadership aptitude and a newfound appreciation for the work that goes into making our community function. Most of all, the program is designed to inspire, develop and connect our local students to see the impact they can have on the community. 

I have attached a flyer and program year calendar. Please feel free to distribute these to any sophomores you know in the Springfield community. The students may complete the Academy Class application online anytime between now and March 30. Please note that they do not have to complete this application at one time. To save and continue working on your application later, they may click 'Save' at the bottom of any page, enter your email address, and click 'Send' to email yourself the link to continue working on your application at a later time.  

Please visit our website for more information on the program.

Thank you,
Ashley Clair, Communications Director
Leadership Springfield, Inc.

Students with D's or F's
If your student has a D or F in any class I am sending phone messages on Monday
evenings. This is based on their grade as of 6 a.m. each Monday morning. It is possible grades could
change between the time I run the report and send the message. If you ever have questions
or concerns please contact your students teacher. Thank you.

Interventions for students with Failing grades

We have two interventions to support students.
IF a student has 2 or more F's in core classes they will be in IPLT (Intensive
Personal Learning Time) Monday - Thursday during PLT (Personal Learning Time) time
to focus on improving in those classes.
We also have an after-school intervention, Chief Intervention Accountability Option,
that is held after school from 3 - 4 p.m. in the library classroom Monday through Thursday.
Students must have an F in a core class to qualify for this intervention. Contact your
students teacher (math, science, social studies, or English) if your student has an F and
you'd like them to attend this intervention.

Summer School, aka Explore Registration is NOW OPEN
There will be two sessions of Explore. Session I is scheduled for June 3-30. Session II will be held July 6-July 31.
High School students will attend Explore classes Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Parkview High School. Online classes are also available this summer.

It's time to register your child for Explore. Classes are offered in June and July for all ages and will allow students to participate in exciting experiences and unique classes that make learning fun.

Visit now to view the complete class listings. 

To complete the enrollment process, you will need to have your child's SPS student ID number and birth date or Home Access Center username and password to log in. If you do not have one, contact the       Explore office at (417) 523-4747.

Register for Explore classes at

Scholarship Bulletin
The March bulletin can be found here.
You can find this and much more on the Counselor's Corner Website.

Senior Recognition Form
On March 25 during PLT, seniors will be filling in their Senior Recognition information on a Google form.  Students will list their post-secondary plans and any scholarships they have received.  I will send a reminder after Spring Break.

Mrs.Shawn Wallace
Kickapoo High School
School Counselor Sc-Z

Now Open: 2020 Linda Luke Librarian of the Year Awards:

Librarians are the gatekeepers in libraries across the district! They are responsible for caring and maintaining the library for students to further explore history, books, and more! If you know of an outstanding librarian or librarian duo in SPS who exhibit the following, nominate them for our 2020 Linda Luke Librarian of the Year Awards!
  • Librarian demonstrates an attitude which emanates caring and concern as well as deep commitment for his/her work
  • A librarian who supports the teaching and learning process by providing a library climate that causes students and teachers to maximize available resources
  • A librarian who has orchestrated an innovative project
The Linda Luke Librarian of the Year award was established in 1997 by Dr. Robert Luke in memory of his wife. Linda Luke served as librarian and teacher at Hickory Hills and Disney Elementary for nearly ten years.
Nominations close on Tuesday, March 24.
If you have any questions, please contact Development Director Tina Pham at 417-523-0144 or

2019 - 2020 Springfield Public Schools Calendar
Here is the FULL CALENDAR.
The last day of school is Thursday, May 21st.

KHS Class of 2020 Graduation is Friday, May 8th @ 5:30 p.m. at JQH Arena.

2020 - 2021 calendar

Please remember we are here for you and your student. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at

any time.

Have a great week and #GoChiefs #OneTribe #WeTribeTogether

Dr. Bill Powers
Kickapoo High School

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