Sunday, March 26, 2023

Kickapoo announcements March 27 - 31, 2023

KHS Families,

What a beautiful weekend! We hope you were able to enjoy the sunshine.

See below for SEVERAL new announcements and a few reminders. I send these announcements via email and Canvas each weekend during the course of the school year. These announcements include several important items. However, they are not all inclusive. Please remember to check our social media and website for the most up to date information about clubs, athletics, and other important announcements.

Stay connected with Kickapoo in the following ways:

Facebook - Kickapoo High School

Twitter - @KickapooChiefs

Instagram - @KickapooHighSchool

Website -

You can find our Daily Announcements on our website and linked HERE. Please check these frequently as they are updated daily AND include ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS.

* Parking - We have sold ALL parking spots. If you do NOT have an assigned spot you can park on Jefferson Avenue. 

Do NOT park in spots not assigned to you, STAFF parking, VISITOR parking, or HANDICAPPED SPOTS at KHS. Also, do NOT park at Gillenwater tennis courts, BirchPointe across the street, OR any of our local businesses. You may be fined or towed.

IF someone parks in your assigned spot please park in visitor and report to the attendance office that someone is in your spot. Admin will handle it from that point. Thank you.

* FLY SPS - ATTENTION Current 10th graders (will be 11th graders in 23-24)! Deadline to apply is this Monday at 5 p.m. See below for details!

FLY SPS has been developed to provide aviation career opportunities to SPS students. Students will learn through classroom work, simulator use, and flight hours. Upon successful completion of FLY SPS, students will earn their Private Pilot License. 

Application & more:  


Informational meetings begin March 7th. See link below for more information: 

FLY SPS informational meetings and tours

Apply now. Application deadline is 5 p.m. Monday, March 27.  

* KHS 22 - 23 Bell & Lunch Schedule

2022-2023 School Calendar

2023 - 2024 Calendar approved by SPS Board of Education

* Grades - Are in eSchool Home Access Center. Please note IF you see grades in Canvas those are not the official grade book for teachers and is NOT the official grade for your student. Please see below on how to login to eSchool Home Access Center for official and accurate student grades.

* Progress Reports - You may review students Progress report grades by logging in HERE. Then, click on Grades.
You can also see the most up to date grades by logging in above and clicking on Classes.
Questions or need help logging in? Please contact our main office.
* Report Cards - 3rd quarter Final grades are now posted to the Report Card in eSchool Home Access Center.
* D & F phone calls - IF your student has a D or F in any of their classes you should receive a phone call from me on Tuesday evening. These calls will be made each Tuesday during weeks 4 - 9 of the quarter. If you have questions or concerns please contact your students teachers or counselor.
* IPLT - Any student who has two or more F's in their core classes will be assigned to Intensive Personalized Learning Time (IPLT) on Monday, Thursday, and Friday starting week 4 of each quarter. During this 30 minute period students will focus on the classes they are failing and will have the support of KHS teachers and Chief Mentors.

Counseling Corner - Check this link for all things from the Counselors. 

* District Scholarship Opportunities - various deadlines.

* Senior Meeting - will be held at the end of 2nd block on Thursday, April 13th. 

* Caps & Gowns - for those who purchased they will be ready for pick up during lunches on Thursday, April 13th. 

If you ordered announcements they will be arriving after the 13th. Stay tuned. . .

* Senior mailer - coming soon. This will include several important reminders and dates.

* Fines & FeesWith the end of the school year quickly approaching please make yourself a MYSCHOOLBUCKS account so you can check and pay any fees on line with your debit or credit card for any fines that you may owe. You may also pay in person with cash or check at the KHS Financial office during school hours.

This would include computer issues, computer chargers, ID badge fines, art classes, lost text books, lost Garmin’s and any old fees that have followed you from another SPS school.

Please remember that cafeteria fines are paid directly to the cafeteria and library lost book and fines are paid directly to the library.

Thank you!

March News You Can Use from the counselors. 

* Class of 2023 Kickapoo Graduation is just 37 school days away - Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 7 p.m. at Great Southern Bank Arena.

* Project Graduation - Project Graduation planning is underway! An email regarding important Project Graduation information was recently sent to Senior families and is linked HERE

This is the seniors big final send off as a Kickapoo student. It’s their party with lots of food, fun activities, and PRIZES! We want to make sure it’s a night they will all remember! We need help as it takes a “Tribe”! If you are interested in being involved with this memorable event, please join us at the next meeting!

Meeting dates for Project Graduation:

THIS WEEK - Wednesday, March 29

Wednesday, April 26

All meetings held in the school library at 6:15 p.m.

(Enter on the west side of the building)

You or your business want to help support/sponsor KHS' Project Graduation? Click HERE to learn how.

You can also donate to our KHS Project Grad Pick A Project Donation. We have only raised $450 of our $15000 goal. Please consider donating, share with friends, neighbors, businesses, etc. Thank you!

Questions? Please contact Dr. Cheryl Hall.

* FREE Tutoring at KHS - Students needing academic support from KHS teachers can report to the library from 3:25 - 4:25 p.m. Monday - Friday when school is in session. Students must sign in and out with supervising teachers. Thank you.
Free Naviance ACT prep is now available to all SPS students grades 9-12 through Canvas > Naviance > Test Prep. Students can utilize study lessons, flashcards, a full diagnostic test, and multiple full length practice tests.
Here is a slide deck on Naviance ACT Test Prep for Parents.

If parents or students have questions about using the program, please contact our College and Career Specialist, Mrs. Rabinowitz at, or their KHS school counselor.

*ACT Bootcamp & FREE ACT for ALL Juniors coming in April!
  • ACT Boot Camp for Juniors will be held Tuesday, April 18th during 1st & 2nd block.
  • FREE ACT for Juniors will be held Thursday, April 27th during 1st & 2nd block.

* Explore (Summer School) registration is now OPEN - Make Explore part of your summer plans. Virtual classes for grades 9-12 will be offered June 5 - 30 and July 5 - 31. High school students may register for Explore classes at SPS Explore

* 22-23 Yearbook - $55 until April 1. Go HERE to purchase.

* Prop S - Remember to vote April 4

Voters will be asked April 4 to approve a bond proposal to make critical school improvements to every school in the district.

If approved, Proposition S will fund the following projects, which were identified as critical by a community task force that evaluated the condition of SPS schools:

  • Safety and security upgrades at all schools.

  • New schools will be constructed for Pipkin Middle School and Reed Academy.  The new construction will provide learning environments that meet the needs of today’s students and staff that the current century old facilities can no longer meet.

  • Renovation/reconstruction at Pershing School will provide an improved learning environment for students and staff at its current location.

  • New storm-shelter gymnasiums will be added to Cowden, Holland, Mann, Pittman, Watkins, and Wilder elementary schools.

These school improvements are possible with no increase to our current tax levy rate.  If voters approve Proposition S, the rate would remain unchanged at 73 cents per $100 of assessed valuation of real estate and personal property.

Learn more about Proposition S at or watch this video.

* EOC (End Of Course) testing dates - coming soon!
* Last day of school
for 9th - 11th graders will be Thursday, May 25th.
It is a two-hour early release so KHS will dismiss at 1:10 p.m.
* Final exams will be Thursday, May 25th. 
* Chromebook repair process - 
We have created a form for students to request a Chromebook so they can get theirs repaired.  It is located in the Tribe Talk course in Canvas.

Please direct students to the link and have them complete the form. We will contact the students to come to the library to pick up or exchange their Chromebook. If they are unable to complete the form, please have a classmate or teacher complete the form for the student.

Let us know if you have any questions.

* Chromebooks - Students should bring a charged Chromebook to school each day. We are limited on the number of loaners we have and first priority goes to students needing repairs. Thank you.

* CANVAS HELP - Need help accessing and checking online learning with your student? Click here for a list of resources from SPS. You can also click here for a guide for “how-to” items for parents. Please be sure to reach out with questions as we navigate online learning.

* Reminders:

  • Any students needing WiFi can request a Kajeet hotspot through our library.
  • Kickapoo will open our doors at 7:40 a.m. and first block begins at 8:10 a.m. every day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday. 
  • Wednesday is late start for students so staff may participate in professional learning. Classes begin at 8:40 a.m. ALL BUSSES WILL RUN AT NORMAL TIMES.
  • Classes end at 3:10 p.m. every day.
  • All students should leave school/campus by 3:30 p.m. unless directly supervised by a teacher, coach, or sponsor.
  • Students should take home Chromebooks every day.
  • Deliveries to school - Parents/guardians may deliver food and other items to school. We ask that you label and leave them on the table. Please communicate with your student to let them know items have been dropped off for them as we do not contact them.  
  • ID badges - ALL students must have an ID every day. Need one? Go to the ID Badge room or ask your teacher to order you one.
  • Dress Code - Follow all dress code expectations.
Again, the items I have listed above are NOT all inclusive.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your patience, grace, and flexibility. 

Take care and as always #GoChiefs!

Dr. Bill Powers


Kickapoo High School 

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