Sunday, November 26, 2023

Kickapoo announcements Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2023

Hello Kickapoo families,

We hope each of you had an amazing Thanksgiving break with family and friends and were able to rest and relax as well. 
We have just 4 weeks (20 school days) before the end of the first semester! Stay focused and finish the first half strong.

Food & Drink Deliveries Are Not Allowed By Restaurants or Delivery Companies beginning Wednesday, Nov. 29th - Students will no longer be able to have food or drinks delivered to Kickapoo High School during the school day, beginning Wednesday, Nov. 29th (11/29/23).  
Having food or drinks delivered by vendors and delivery drivers creates an unsafe situation at school. To ensure the safety of our students and staff we will no longer accept deliveries by restaurants or delivery companies. Food or drinks delivered to school will be sent away with the delivery person. The school will not be responsible for the food or drink orders. 
All students will be notified each day this week that food and drink deliveries will not be accepted beginning Wednesday, Nov. 29th.

As always, I send these announcements via Connect 5 text & email and Canvas inbox each weekend during the course of the school year. These announcements include several important items. However, they are not all inclusive. Please remember to check our social media and website for the most up to date information about clubs, athletics, and other important announcements.

Stay connected with Kickapoo in the following ways:
Facebook - Kickapoo High School
Twitter - @KickapooChiefs
Instagram - @KickapooHighSchool
Daily Announcements on our website and linked HERE. LOTS of info included for students & parents. Please check these frequently as they are updated daily.
KHS 23 - 24 Bell Schedule
KHS 23 - 24 Lunch Schedule
Counseling Corner - Check this link for all things from the Counselors.
District Scholarship Bulletin - This scholarship list is updated weekly. Questions - Connect with your KHS counselor.
2023-2024 School Calendar:
* Class of 2024 Kickapoo Graduation will be Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 7 p.m. at Great Southern Bank Arena
* Senior Cap & Gown orders - 
The easiest way to order is online through their website and we have included a direct link below to the $18 Cap and Gown package (includes tassel). You are free to order whatever else you would like, including announcements, we just wanted to make sure you know all that is needed is the basic package for $18. We need all graduates to take care of this prior to winter break. Link is HERE!
* College Application Support? - Need help or time to work on your college application? Mrs. Rabinowitz is available this week during Chief Time to support you. Click HERE to learn more and to sign up.
* FAFSA Frenzy - Seniors and Families we are offering support on the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at Kickapoo on Thursday, Jan. 18th from 5:30 - 7 in the Commons. Contact your counselor with questions.
* FREE ACT Prep Resources: 
Naviance provides a library of free ACT test resources and prep materials for SPS students. Watch how to access these materials to help your student be prepared.
* SPS High School Attendance Requirement for Dances. In order to attend a SPS dance students must meet the following requirements:
  • 90% overall attendance (school-sponsored activities do not count as absences) by a determined date prior to the dance set by the high school site administration. Kickapoo's next dance is Friday, Feb. 9th, 2024. Students must have 90% or better attendance in order to purchase a ticket.
  • Must be in attendance the entire school day the day of the dance
  • Must not be serving ISS or OSS on the day of the dance
  • Major discipline infractions may result in non-admittance to the school dance
  • Pay ALL fines & fees in Financial office
* SPS High School Final Exam Exemption Requirements. Students are eligible for finals exemption by meeting the following criteria:
  • 90% overall attendance (school-sponsored activities do not count as absences) per semester
  • Received no ISS or OSS for the semester
  • Passing the class with an 80% or greater prior to the final exam
  • Exempt students may take the final to improve their grade in a class; in this case, the final grade cannot hurt the student’s overall grade
  • Required to attend class during the final exam block and complete optional enrichment tasks provided
  • Dual credit, AP, and Launch virtual classes are NOT eligible for final exemptions.
* Student Attendance - Thank you to everyone for being in school everyday. A reminder our goal is for all students to be in attendance 95% or more for the year. Here is where we are as a school and by grade level for Week 13 and overall year-to-date as a school.
* Attendance - When should students not attend school? Check out this guidance from our school nurses.

When it comes to attendance, 90% is not an A.
When you do the math, 90% attendance is 20 school days missed. That’s 20 days of critically important lessons, support from teachers and memories with classmates.
And days add up -- students who are chronically absent are more likely to be suspended, struggle with learning and not graduate from high school. And tardiness counts, too. Those 5-10 minutes late each day adds up to almost 4 days per school year.
If you need support getting your child to school, we’re here to help. Make it a goal for your child to Attend Daily. On Time. All Day.
Every minute missed is a missed opportunity for students to learn, grow and achieve.
Make it a priority for students to be at school, on time, every day. Even one missed day a month can knock students off track.
Families should aim for 95% attendance or more for their child. That’s 9 missed days a year, or no more than one day a month. Any more can knock students off track and keep them from reaching their full potential.
* KHS Student Expectations Matrix - Matrix
* Grading Scale for 9th graders ONLY - New this year for the Class of 2027 = no more + or - for letter grades. The following grade scale is in place for 9th grade ONLY.
90 - 100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
59 or lower = F
* Students earn Credits EVERY 9 weeks. Please make sure you are monitoring grades via eSchool Home Access Center under the Classes Tab - login here.
* 2nd Quarter Progress Report - The 2nd progress report for 2nd quarter will be posted to eSchool Home Access Center on Friday, Dec. 1st. 
* Grades in Canvas are NOT the official grades for students. Teachers do grade items in Canvas. However, all grades are transferred to eSchool and these are the official grades.
* FREE Tutoring for all Kickapoo students, seated or online, is available in our library from 3:25 - 4:25 any day we are in session.
* Testing Dates to Know:
EOC's (End of Course Exams) are required for ALL students in the following classes - Algebra I ( and select Alg. II students), English II, Biology, & American Govt and are held during class time.
Alg. I (& select Alg. II students) - Dec. 13 & 14
Eng. II - Dec. 13 & 14
Biology - Dec. 13
American Government - Dec. 13
Students need to make sure to have a fully charged Chromebook for exams.
Final Exams - ALL finals will take place on Friday, Dec. 22 during class time. 
We do not give early Finals. IF you will be absent please communicate with your teacher & assistant principal in advance.
* Blood Drive - Our next Blood Drive is Thursday, Nov. 30th. Sign up during lunch Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of this week to help save 3 lives! Must be 16 or older to donate.
* Financial Information: You may pay fines and fees at the financial office with Mrs. Liston. You may also view financial information and make payments online at Fines & fees shown in eSchool are not correct. You MUST go to My School Bucks.
* YEARBOOKS are on sale for $50 now through
* Student Parking - All students are to park in their assigned parking spot. If someone parks in your spot – DO NOT park in another numbered spot, (that becomes a domino effect) but park in a visitor spot. Students will then report the issue by filling out the sheet in the attendance office (door 18). Students must have an SPS parking decal and KHS hang tag to park on campus.
No decal or hang tag? Park on Jefferson Street in front of the baseball/practice field.
Do NOT park in STAFF, VISITOR, or HANDICAPPED SPOTS at KHS and do not park at Gillenwater tennis courts. Also the property at 225 E. Primrose is private property and you should not be parking there. They are starting renovations and landscaping. They will start ticketing and/or towing your vehicle. Same for Birch Pointe, it is private property not a place for students to park.  You may be fined, ticketed, or towed at your own expense.
* Have NOT purchased a Parking Permit yet? We have 20 spots available. Students must have a valid driver’s license to purchase a parking permit – no permit drivers are allowed to purchase. Complete this Google form first. After completing the form you may go to the Financial office and see Mrs. Liston before school, during lunch, or after school to pay your $35 and pick your parking spot.
Once we are sold out we will start a waiting list as we will have more spots open up when students graduate early.
* Need Immunizations OR a sports physical? - The Cox CareMobile will be at KHS on Wednesday, Dec. 6 administering immunizations and sports physicals. If you plan to play a spring sport, this is a great opportunity to get your physical done. Call 417-523-8530 to make an appointment. Consent forms are available online at our website
* Chromebook repair process - We have created a form for students to request a Chromebook so they can get theirs repaired. It is located in the Tribe Talk course in Canvas.
Please direct students to the link and have them complete the form. We will contact the students to come to the library to pick up or exchange their Chromebook. If they are unable to complete the form, please have a classmate or teacher complete the form for the student.
Let us know if you have any questions.
* Chromebooks - Students should bring a charged Chromebook to school each day. We are limited on the number of loaners we have and first priority goes to students needing repairs. Thank you.
* CANVAS HELP - Need help accessing and checking online learning with your student? Click here for a list of resources from SPS. You can also click here for a guide for “how-to” items for parents. Please be sure to reach out with questions as we navigate online learning.

  • Any students needing WiFi can request a Kajeet hotspot through our library.
  • Kickapoo will open our doors at 7:40 a.m. and first block begins at 8:10 a.m. every day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.
  • Wednesday is late start for students so staff may participate in professional learning. Classes begin at 8:40 a.m. ALL BUSSES WILL RUN AT NORMAL TIMES.
  • Classes end at 3:10 p.m. every day.
  • All students should leave school/campus by 3:45 p.m. unless directly supervised by a teacher, coach, or sponsor.
  • Students should take home Chromebooks every day & Charge them each night.
  • Deliveries to school - Parents/guardians may deliver items to school for your student. We ask that you label and leave them on the table inside the office. Please communicate with your student to let them know items have been dropped off for them as we do not contact them.
  • ID badges and dress code - ALL students must have an ID every day. Follow all dress code expectations. Cover ALL B's!
  • Need a School ID? Request one from a teacher or go to the ID badge room before school, during lunch, or immediately after school.
Again, the items I have listed above are NOT all inclusive.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me and I will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your patience, grace, and flexibility.
Take care and as always #GoChiefs!

Dr. Bill Powers
Kickapoo High School

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