Monday, March 18, 2013

Please Vote April 2

Dear Cherokee families: 
Supporting students and teachers is a primary focus of my job as principal. I work every day to make sure they have the tools and resources they need to succeed.
As enrollment in our school district continues to grow that is becoming more and more challenging. Class sizes are growing and even if we had the funding to hire more teachers, many of our schools don’t have the space to add classes. On April 2, we will have the opportunity to vote on two proposals that will help address these growing pains.
If approved, Springfield Public Schools will:

1. Hire more teachers;
2. Replace aging computers and upgrade internet access in every classroom in every school in the district;
3. Expand elementary classroom space at three elementary schools to address crowding at a number of schools;
4. Remodel Kickapoo High School; and
5. Renovate Glendale High School’s cafeteria and library.

These improvements can be made with only a minimal investment from our community. Our tax levy is one the lowest in Missouri. In a comparison of 39 Missouri school districts, including the largest and those surrounding Springfield, SPS ranks 35th.
I’m sure you can see the advantages these projects will have for our students and teachers, plus an investment in education is an investment in the future vitality of our community. Our neighborhoods will be strengthened by modern school buildings; students will have better quality learning environments with access to modern technology; and two of our high schools will receive much-needed renovations.
Please remember to vote Tuesday, April 2, on Proposition Teachers for Kids and Proposition Classrooms for Kids.

Bill Powers